Lumis Experience
PPA Negotiation
Grant Thornton Collaboration
Services --> Renewables --> Experience
Lumis Renewables Experience wind farm

Prior to establishing Lumis, John Shedden was Head of British Energy Renewables, responsible for a portfolio of around 600 MW of wind developments in the UK. Highlights included the gaining of planning consent for the Inner Dowsing offshore wind farm in joint venture with Renewable Energy Systems and the subsequent sale to Centrica in late 2003.

Lumis' partners were also involved in the development of the 10 MW Huron wind project in Ontario, Canada and its subsequent sale to a consortium of buyers in 2003 as well as a project to acquire a major hydro scheme in Canada.
John Shedden is a former director of the Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency Ltd, British Energy Renewables Ltd, Lewis Wind Power Ltd and Offshore Wind Power Ltd. He is currently a director of the Highlands and Islands Community Energy Company.
Examples of the work carried out by Lumis on renewable projects include the following:
  • Providing ongoing advice to a new entrant UK wind developer on all aspects of their developments with particular emphasis on market and grid issues
  • Advising a European industrial company on potential acquisitions of 2 UK onshore wind portfolios including due diligence, valuation and deal structuring advice
  • Advising a European industrial company on the potential acquisition of a stake in an offshore wind project
  • Advising a Canadian company on renewable development opportunities
  • Providing a report for a local council on the potential for community benefits from large onshore windfarms
  • Advising a Canadian financial investor on a potential acquisition of a stake in a Canadian renewables company.

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