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People --> John Shedden
John Shedden
John Shedden - Photo John has 11 years' experience in the electricity industry. He spent 5 years at Scottish Power where, as Head of Power Purchasing and Pricing in the Supply Division and subsequently Back Office Manager in the Energy Trading Centre, he was responsible for areas as diverse as CfD trading, embedded generation contracts, pricing for direct sales customers, electricity & gas settlements, contracts for sale of power in Scotland and the administration of the Scottish Renewables Obligation. With ScottishPower’s takeover of Manweb he was responsible for the assimilation of Manweb’s trading function and became a director of the Non-Fossil Purchasing Agency
John joined British Energy in 1997 as Commercial Development Manager. He played a leading role in the acquisition of UK generation and supply assets, including the successful acquisition of the 2GW Eggborough power station together with the acquisition and subsequent sale of the Swalec supply business. Associated with these deals, he was responsible for negotiating coal contracts for Eggborough and a long-term 10TWh p.a. PPA with SSE. He led teams in bidding for hydro and fossil assets in Canada, was heavily involved in business development in the Czech Republic and had co-responsibility for the sale of the 6GW Bruce Power nuclear station in 2003.
From early 2003 to 2004, John was Head of British Energy Renewables (British Energy’s renewables development subsidiary), a director of British Energy Renewables Ltd, Offshore Wind Power Ltd and Lewis Wind Power Ltd. During this time he led the negotiation of a major renewables joint venture and the sale of Offshore Wind Power Ltd to Centrica. Other highlights include the achievement of planning consent and successful capital grant application for the Inner Dowsing offshore wind farm. He is currently a director of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise Community Energy Company.
John has an honours degree in economic science from Aberdeen University and an MSc in economics from the London School of Economics. Prior to joining the electricity industry, he worked for 8 years as a government economist in HM Treasury, DTI, OFT and on secondment to the Independent Television Commission.

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